Final day.
Tomorrow I´m going back home to Spain, it has been so good to be home in Sweden for a while. But it´s time to go back now, I got so much stuff to take care of. I have to arrange all the stuff with the police, insurace and the bank after the break in.
It´s hard when you want to be on two places all the time, one foot in sweden and one in spain. But it´s time to focus on some riding and taking care of the season to come. FMX4Ever got more then enough to do this year, so if I want to get some practise done, now is the time. Once the season is up and running it´s hard to get any riding done.
My girlfriend gave me a really cool statue for X-mas, so no I have to figure out how to get it down to Spain, it´s about 50 cm tall and weighs enough to fill up the weight limit. It´s in solid molded iron...

Postat av: Johan
Ahh, gött! Du fick den till slut! Var väl den som fanns i butiken under Camilla?
Ha det bra!
Postat av: m carlson
Japp! O det är jag som har tagit det fina kortet på den! Väldigt bra kort tycker jag!
Postat av: kent Eriksson
Tjena Mojje!
Vet inte om Du kommer ihåg mig men vi träffades lite grann på crossbanorna förr, men till saken jag tycker att Du har en cool bloggsida som är riktigt bra. Kom just hem från torreveija efter lite semester med familjen under jul o nyår. Lycka till under 2009 !